Especially Heads of FamiliesMost copies of the Westminster Confession of Faith begin with the brief note, “To the Christian Reader: Especially Heads of Families”. It contains a strong admonition and helpful instruction for fathers in lea…

Especially Heads of Families
Most copies of the Westminster Confession of Faith begin with the brief note, “To the Christian Reader: Especially Heads of Families”. It contains a strong admonition and helpful instruction for fathers in leading their families into a knowledge of God in Christ. It is worth a read, particularly for fathers and single men who aspire to be. While both parents are crucial to the upbringing of their children, God holds the father primarily accountable for the spiritual well-being of the family. Like it or not, fathers are the Gospel pace-setters. It is a high calling and should put the fear of the Lord in any dad who wants their children to live for the only One that eternally matters - Jesus. Here’s an excerpt:

If, therefore, there be any spark in you of love to God, be not content that any of yours should be ignorant of Him whom you so much admire, or any haters of Him whom you so much love. If there be any compassion to the souls of them who are under your care, if any regard of your being found faithful in the day of Christ, if any respect of future generation, labor to sow these seeds of knowledge, which may grow up in after-times.

A note to single men: Don’t wait to begin preparing your heart, mind and soul to lead a family. That preparation begins now, in you. Make a plan. Start building your library. Talk to those who are already fathers. Pray for your future family. Lead yourself before trying to lead others. Build in the disciplines of grace in your life. Surround yourself with other men who seek the same. Ask the Spirit for wisdom, grace and supernatural enabling. 

Father God, give us the grace and wisdom to love and lead our families well. May none of them be ignorant or haters of you, who we love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.