Last night we celebrated Good Friday. As always, it was a paradoxical night, an unhappy celebration. It is a day of intense sadness mixed with intense thankfulness. It was both uncomfortable and convicting as we saw the depth of our sin in light of …

Last night we celebrated Good Friday. As always, it was a paradoxical night, an unhappy celebration. It is a day of intense sadness mixed with intense thankfulness. It was both uncomfortable and convicting as we saw the depth of our sin in light of the amazing love of God who died for us. Tomorrow we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead on Easter. In the words of Graeme Goldsworthy, “The resurrection was the Father’s ‘Amen’ to the finished work of Christ.” Therefore, for all who repent of their sin and receive Jesus as their Lord, Savior and chief treasure you are now…(click thru for full post)

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