Prayer: First Timothy

I try to keep the content here generally applicable to everyone, but from time to time I like to share what's happening on the ground in our local gospel work to solicit prayer, offer encouragement and spread the word. There's always a risk of appearing self-promoting, but its worth the risk if it results in prayer for our newly forming flock in the city. This Sunday we're starting a new series through First Timothy. Would you pray for our church? Would you pray for our city? Would you pray for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit that results in new, and re-newed, awakenings to the reality of God? If you're not currently connected to a local Jesus-loving, Bible-believing, gospel-centered church in the area, consider joining us. If you know anyone with questions and/or interest in the person and work of Jesus, feel free to send them our way and we'll make sure they get taken care of. Thanks in advance. With you, in Christ. 

What is truth? Is there truth? If so, how should our lives be shaped by the truth? These aren’t new questions. In fact, nearly two thousand years ago the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to his close friend and associate, Timothy, to address these very same issues. Today we refer to that letter as First Timothy. In this letter, Paul’s overriding concern is with the truth of Jesus Christ - that it be faithfully protected, lived out and handed on. Though written in the first century, the content of this letter could hardly be more relevant in our day of pluralism, subjectivism and postmodern allergy to truth. Paul calls Timothy, and every follower of Christ today, to be unambiguously committed to truth because the church, global and local, is intended by God to be a “pillar and buttress of the truth”. (1 Tim 3:13) Therefore, First Timothy is a clear call for the church to tangibly live out the implications of this truth. Throughout our study we’ll look at a number of topics, including: false teaching, worldwide evangelism, prayer, corporate worship, selection and qualification of church leaders, confronting sin in the church, honoring women, care of widows, how to handle money and more. First Timothy not only offers us truth, but truth to thrive by.
— Blurb for Downtown Cornerstone's upcoming sermon series through First Timothy