Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection | A Brief Review

Jonathan Dodson and Brad Watson have written an incredibly helpful, culturally accessible and doctrinally sound book in Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection. The premise of the book is simple, in the words of the Apostle Paul, "if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins." (1Cor15:17) If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then everything else he said or did is of little importance. However, if he did rise, that changes everything about everything. That makes the resurrection of Jesus perhaps the best place to start for those examining his life and claims - and that is where Raised? comes in. 

All told, the book is surprisingly short give the vast amount of ground Dodson and Watson cover. There are only four chapters: Doubting the Resurrection, How the Resurrection Reshapes History, Stepping into the Resurrection and How the Resurrection Changes Everything. In a mere 100 pages they explain the resurrection story, answer common objections, provide compelling historical and cultural data, share their personal stories and address some practical and theological implications. They do all this while giving the reader space to wrestle with their own doubts.

This is a profound, yet simple, book for those exploring Christianity or for those who already follow Jesus that are looking for additional clarity. Zondervan and the team have also assembled a helpful collection of resources from small group material to a four-part short film that traces one couple's journey from unbelief to faith in Christ (below). If you're looking for something shorter than this book, I previously wrote a post that addresses common questions (and answers) about Jesus' resurrection here. If you want a free copy, join Downtown Cornerstone for Easter, where we're planning on giving Raised? out as a gift because we want everyone in our city to find Jesus - even by doubting the resurrection. 

Here are the video shorts - four videos, one story. They are very well done and worth the time.